Monday, August 10, 2015

Monday Blues

Taking an enforced break to concentrate on strength training and yoga. Nothing dramatic or unusual. It’s been a while since we focused on one or 2 activities; working on technique and hoping {operative word!} to lift heavier. We’ll see.

Shoulders & Delts

Supersets of:
a)    Precor overhead shoulder press (one thing I learnt this morning, no, actually it’s something I forgot and was reinforced, if you mess up on one rep or don’t do the full range, you gotta do it again!)
b)    Standing DB overhead shoulder press (lucky me, it wasn’t the Arnold press. Now that would be a killer!)

Supersets of:
c)     LF cable frontal raise (doesn’t help when M kept telling me to raise it higher than my…stomach level…LOL! Oh yeah, if you do fluke shots, you gotta do it again…and again…)
d)    DB lateral raise

Supersets of:
e)    Technogym cable rear delt row (not too shabby)
f)     Bendover DB rear delt row (not too shabby)

Super{duper} sets of:
g)    KB upright row
h)    KB shrugs
i)      Abs rollout (whee!)

The best part of this morning’s workout? Homemade multigrain bar. Oh heavenly.

So what were you up to this morning? Or weekend?

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