Monday, January 12, 2015

Not a great start

So this happened

And I waited for half a day before going to the clinic to get it “professionally” cleaned up. Hey I still think that my skin-coloured bandaids look way cooler and unassuming compared to the final outcome from the clinic.

And I think I gave the “kind elderly” doc a fright when I told him I went to the gym after cleaning up myself.

And this was this morning’s workout (we skipped the leg curl coz Michael didn’t think we can rest the knees on the bench. Heck, he even suggested we skipped the workout entirely.)


Single set of:
a)    Cybex weight plate loaded leg squat press (whoa! It’s been some time since we did this and the legs remembered the after-effects. Oh wait…there was an offer to do the “easier” machine leg press which was “stupidly” declined.)

Supersets of:
b)    Technogym leg extension (didn’t realized the weight stack was increased and was wondering WTH I was struggling in the last 2 sets)
c)     Weight plate static lunges

Supersets of:
d)    BB deadlift
e)    Jumping squats

Single set of:
f) Reverse abs crunches

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