Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Back to the grind

And you should be grinding hard after all the extended weekend’s festivities. Well if you fall into the 99% of the population celebrating CNY. Third consecutive day of strength training which naturally means I have the perfect excuse to take the day off tomorrow! If that wasn’t enough, we did Legs today!

Supersets of:
a)        Smith machine squats (high reps but heavy load!!! FTW!)
b)        Cybex weight plate loaded leg squat press

Single sets and dropsets (except for lunges) of:
c)        KB lunges
d)        Technogym leg extension (holy crap…that burn on the dropset is indescribable)
e)        Cybex prone leg curl (yeah, Michael admitted that we need to move the tipping point; easy for him to say!)
f)        Reverse abs crunches

And no blog post would be complete without pics, right? Here’s our dinner at Zuan Yuan last week

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