Monday, January 6, 2014

Roundup of the Weekend

The downpour which muted to a slight drizzle on Saturday night nor the following day’s MPIB Run didn’t stop the crowd and merry-making at the Pacemakers’ Annual Dinner. Photos stolen from Mr Chan.

With Mak and Carol

Posted on Twitter: Does a 2.5km run count? LOL!

That’s coz that was all the time I had for a warm up before jumping into this:

Supersets of:
a) Free weights incline chest press (looks like it’ll be a session of free weights and supersets coz the Smiths were occupied and we were running short of time)
b) DB incline pullover

Supersets of:
c) Free weights bench chest press (the thing about free weights is UTTER lack of control of where the bar+weights land when you’re fatigued! Talk about face smashing and reorganizing your face!)
d) Wide angled push-ups

Supersets of:
e) Free standing dips
f) TRX pullover

In the meantime, have a great start to the week!

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