Thursday, March 10, 2011

adiNation Training Run – 9 March 2011


a) “Boss” Ronnie

b) “Group Lead” Kei Ming

c) Aron

d) KK Yum

e) Vijay

Distance: 4 laps * 2.3km = 9.2km (Garmin: 9.08km)

Timing: 50:37 min for 5:34 min/km pace

Laps 1 & 2

After Sunday’s run and the morning’s leg workout, I had no desire for a tempo run which is what you get when Boss shows up. Yeah, he ran on his own while Aron and I chit-chatted a.k.a. took it extremely easy. Vijay and his friend were doing the same and was probably 10 steps back. Kei Ming and KK were further back – we joked that it was probably a 9km date for them.

Laps 3 & 4

Aron speeded up in the last 2 laps – fartlek perhaps? Because he did slow down after an initial burst – so it was like a cat and mouse game for us. Vijay passed me going into the fourth lap but was still within sight; Aron passed him now and again on his fartlek portions and then hung back with me – heck, he even stopped and walked at some points. We spotted and passed Suresh (he was walk training yesterday) at the end of lap 3/beginning of lap 4.

At the end, I was surprised to hit 50-ish minutes; I had expected 52-54 minutes given the junky miles in the first two laps. Six months ago, 50-ish required a lot of huffing, puffing and exertion. Yesterday it was nice slow jog. Progress people!

Aiks…the KSO bit me again. Well at least this time, both feet are evenly match and the blood (yes, I kid you not!) blisters were spot on (on the balls of my big toes). Sigh sigh sigh.

Kenny and I had planned to run this morning but we had to scrap it as his ankle is still giving him problems. On hindsight, this was probably a good thing since I woke up to achy muscles. Every.muscle. The quads from the 600lbs squats and the run, the lats from the pull-ups, the shoulders from the ALL the shoulder workouts, the biceps from the bicep curl and pull-ups. Oh god, even my forearms hurt. Want to hear more? The Buteyko did me in this morning

Anyway, Thursday have always been designated as recovery and re-fueling days.

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