Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Upper Body Only!

I thought it was odd that Michael put me through the paces for an upper body workout until he asked me if I want to put in a session tomorrow. Anyway, we settled for Friday though at a later time (9 am) since I am on leave (May wanted to swap her Thursday for Friday; no issue either way).

Supersets of:

a) Freemotion cable seated dual arm pulldown

b) Freemotion cable seated chest fly

c) Combo of DB single arm overhead shoulder press and static lunges (this was the only leg workout this morning!)

Supersets of:

d) Nautilus chest fly

e) Technogym back row

f) Combo of single arm DB frontal raise, lateral raise and dead lift

Supersets of:

g) Hoist tricep press down

h) DB bicep curl

i) Roman back extension

j) Abs on wheels

Michael made a funny comment this morning – ok, be warned that it can be narccistic, laced with sarcasm and bias – something about one of the girls in the Body Combat class having jingling muscles all over (which was true!). He reckoned that she may have quit working out and went to a slimming center for spot reductions. Do muscles atrophy if you sign up for a slimming session(s)? Serious question, ok?

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