Tuesday, December 21, 2010


It’s Christmas this weekend and I am so looking forward to it. I will be in HK with Aunty Mabel and my grandparents. We have more or less mapped out the agenda (at least I have!): shopping, shopping and more shopping. We are planning to hit the shops in Tung Chung on Sunday – must must must remember to get the widgets from Crocs for dad. We made reservations for Christmas dinner at Cuisine Cuisine at The Mira (email confirmation came in last night) and are figuring out Boxing Day’s meal. YM suggested Xi Yan Private Dining in Wan Chai or Bo Innovations. I might put in a short run this weekend (if there are runs and/or slots still available at the eleventh hour) – will email Horry to check.

Temps for this weekend is forecasted to be in the teens – perfect excuse to don the high boots. What is so not perfect is having trouble zipping them up (yes, I did a trial run last night). I must have developed some calf muscles over the years (thank you Satish and Michael!). That and the shin splints from Sunday’s Malakoff Run 2010 (Malakoff Run). The outer edges of my feet are still tender (an improvement from the entire sole!) and I woke up to swollen and achy shins. The Malakoff Run has certainly taken a lot out of me! And to think it was billed as a 7km Fun Run. With that, I am hanging around in my Birkies for the rest of the day and praying fervently that the boots fit by Friday!

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