Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Half the weekend a.k.a Saturday was spent in Putrajaya, specifically the Maritime Centre (adjacent to the Putrajaya Pullman) for our Annual Management Dialogue. It is a swanky name for a day-long (8:30 am – 6:30 pm) event where we sit there listening to report cards by each team. This year’s event was more draggy than previous editions and hence the late finishing. I was spent and mentally drained by the time I got home that the only thing I could do was pick up some groceries from BMS Organics and eat the black sesame seed puff before turning in.

This weekend should be much better since I will be down south – notice how my mood lights up everything I am away? I will also be getting a new pair of Bikilas – am exchanging my current pair because the glue on the left big toe has come off. It did not fall apart but since I found out that Innovatez had an exchange policy, I thought I might as well get it exchanged. The Innovatez team is the best – patient and super nice – reserved a pair for me for my first purchase and now again. I heard they have even gone to the trouble of reserving two pairs for me this time – different colour combos. From the sounds of it (ok, read of it), I will definitely take to these combos better (W343 Magenta/Orange/Grey and W346 Sky Blue/Grey). It sure beats white (BTW, I never liked white shoes – they make my feet look huge!). I am leaning to the first combo because of the striking colour combo. Your thoughts?

Subway here I come! My pre-race dinner should be the tortilla wrap with veggie patty and some crisps. Hopefully I get to turn in early on Saturday since the run is pretty early (7 am). On the flip side, it will mean more time to shop and walk around before meeting Oceanus to pick up my essential oil. I might slot in a session with Diane. Who knows!

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