Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Army Half Marathon 2010 – 10km

Unfortunately, the weather from the Yellow Ribbon Prison Run the week before did not extend to the weekend past. In fact, it was searing hot.


(a) Prompt response from the medics at the finish line – I did not think I could walk any further as I was pretty close to a heatstroke.

(b) Army guys icing my back after the run! It felt so good after being in the blistering heat.

(c) Closer finishers’ medal collection point and the finishing line meant that less chances of anyone missing out on this. They also had a few queue lines for both the 21km and 10km.

(d) The early start of the 21km meant less congestion on the route. There were marginal 21km runners after 4 hours (well, unless they walked the entire route!).

(e) I think I shaved a second or two from my timing at the Shape Run – the last 2km was a nightmare and my splits were downers.

(f) Diane is back in business and I had my long awaited therapy!


(a) Less organized compared to the 2009 edition.

(b) The usual jaywalkers (read: “forced to run” army boys) and this year apparently they did not get the message of keeping to the sides. It felt (and looked) like they were preparing for a parade and walking in formation.

(c) Add to that, the merging of the 21km and 10km routes in the last 2km.

(d) Late start of the women’s race at 8 am. It was blistering before, during and after the run.

(e) Two “elfin” bridges! The organizers thought it would be a unique experience to include the Helix Bridge given the recent opening of the casinos.

(f) The usual 1km climb up the Sheares Bridge.

(g) My back was still aching from Friday’s workout.

Photo log:

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