Friday, July 9, 2010

adiNation Training Run – 7 July 2010

a) “Boss” Ronnie
b) “Group Lead” Kei Ming
c) Lai
d) Kenny
e) Fauzan
f) Vijay

Distance: 4 laps * 2.3km = 9.2km (9.16 km on the Garmin)

Timing: 49:25 min for 5:23 min/km pace

Lap 1
Fauzan had started 5 minutes earlier whereas the rest of us trudge along until about 500 meters when Ronnie, Kenny and Lai sprinted ahead. Kei Ming, Vijay and I continued at a moderate pace and chit chatted along the way.

Lap 2
The drizzle had then stepped up to fat raindrops but not so fat that it gets into your eyes. The cool temperature also helped me upped the pace and I was just ahead of Kei Ming and Vijay for most of the lap. With a 1.5 lap warm up, Vijay then went ahead and Kei Ming paced me for the remaining of the run.

Lap 3
Kei Ming and I continued our pace and he asked if I was going for three or four laps that evening and I replied that we should gauge ourselves towards the end of the third lap. We were running in silence – I tend to get chatty on the first round and then zipped up for the remaining duration to concentrate on my breathing. We felt good after the third lap and continued to the fourth.

Lap 4
The exhaustion usually creeps in during this lap and I will be breathing hard (though I try very hard to avoid this and maintain a steady in out rhythm). I was very glad to have Kei Ming for company because it meant I have no choice but to push ahead. Kei Ming increased his pace in the last km and as much as I tried, I finished about 100-150 meters behind him. But hey, it was a PB for me to finish below 50 minutes!!! Thanks Kei Ming!

Wednesday’s chit chat session went on until after 8 pm since Fauzan was regaling us about his “kampong” run. It was a short 3.5 km and as usual, he sprinted ahead and even finished 8 minutes before his nearest competitor! The official at the finishing point was caught off guard when he came in and was scrambling to find his pen, stop watch etc. The best bit was his blur acting and “kampong” boy / newbie mentality when he went to register and collect the bib and thereafter appearing at the start line in his technical gear!

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