Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I am getting a tad bored with having oatmeal for lunch but there are not that many choices available for me. There are the cream crackers with peanut butter that I am already having for breakfast and tea and I do not think I can stomach three continuous meals of the same type in a day! Then there is the tofu, mushroom or some veggie-filled sandwich which is do-able if I remember and have the chance to shop at the Taman Mayang organic sundry shop. With limited activity in the office today (fingers double crossed!), I might be able to get away early for a spot of dinner takeaway from the vegetarian stall and a chance to pop by the organic sundry shop. Just maybe.

The oatmeal lunch option is actually quite good as it provides me with carbs, fiber, protein (however minuscule! ) and fruit (from the raisins and/or apricots). I have yet to include peanut butter or granola toppings to them as Monica (from www.runeatrepeat.com) does. I tried smashing a banana into it last week and it was a huge mistake! I was filled to the brim and could not manage to have my usual handful of peanuts.

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