Friday, October 25, 2013

Five {Workout} Things Friday

A recap of this week’s workouts

1. Monday’s #Backs #Lats here

2. Tuesday’s sojourn through Bangsar – Jalan Ara (friggin long 1km climb) and Jalan Maarof (another friggin long 1km climb!) – and lamenting (again!) to Adrian. #DOMS from Monday

3. Wednesday’s #Shoulders #Delts and evening sojourn with Karen and YK at DPC. #Double #Workout #Day

4. Thursday’s – “back to the sojourn through Bangsar”. #Back-to-Back #Runs are difficult. #DOMS from Wednesday

5. Friday’s #Legs. Pretty much getting into the groove of things and Michael reckons we should be back to 700-800lbs in the next 2 weeks. #DOMS setting in early.

Supersets of:
a) Smith machine squats (incremental of 25lbs…each side!) (dropsets)
b) Cybex weight plate loaded leg squat press (yeah…600lbs is a taste of “heaven”) (dropsets)

Single sets of:
c) KB walking lunges (was tempted to slot in a raised static lunge)
d) Cybex prone leg curl (odd that this was positioned here coz we usually do this after the extension)

Supersets of:
e) Technogym leg extension
f) Jumping squats (ever feel the burn on your quads…especially after (a), (b), (c) and (e)?!?!?!)

Single set of:
g) Precor AbCrunch

Does it all read stale to you????

1 comment:


very refreshingly stale.