Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Starting Anew – 14-Day Challenge: Day 11

All I ask is prayer and hope. I’m at my lowest ebb – nothing has been or is working out for the moment. I can’t run because of the hip flexor. My leg strength and workout is almost non-existent due to the same hip flexor and after Saturday’s hike, a shin splint. I’ve tried keeping my spirits up, putting on a devil-may-care face in front of everyone, being nonchalant about this injury. It’s tiring and I can’t keep the tears, frustration and heartbreak to myself anymore.

This morning, I broke down during our leg workout and these weights are supposed to be “easy” for me.

Supersets of:
a) Smith machine squats
b) Cybex plate weight loaded leg squat press

Single sets of:
c) Technogym leg extension
d) LF leg press
e) Precor bicep curl
f) Cybex prone leg curl

Challenge: Not sure.

Urgent {and desperate} request: prayers for healing of the hip flexor and more importantly, the mind.


TR said...

Hey! I'm so sorry to hear. Injuries are so so mentally draining and frustrating. I hope you recover as soon as possible! Hang in there!

TR said...

hahah I'm the SAME as you. Even if someone completely trashes a movie..if it's a big blockbuster movie, I'll still go. :P

I'm following you now! Keep in touch :) And hope to hear about you recovering much sooner than later!