Monday, December 19, 2011

It’s a Wrap

For the 2011 race season although there’s only local race in Seremban next week which I’m sitting out. Most of us ran our last event last weekend or this past one. Taking cue from Jason, I tallied up my year’s events – 43! Holy moly, that’s like more than a few back-to-backs there. It’s been an amazing year and I doubt I can ever achieve it next year…or ever.

The next 2 weeks will be spent on:

a) Taking it easy. Extremely easy – running at slower paces and building up a base mileage. Doing long runs at an easy pace with no time goals (you hear that Ronnie???!!!) and enjoying training runs.

b) Working on muscular strength. Especially my legs – quads and hamstrings. I want strong and powerful legs to conquer the hills (the weakest link in the equation. Oh wait, everything is weak…what am I talking about???!!!).

c) Continue to work on my diet. Nope, it doesn’t mean I’m on any weight loss plan (I never diet, if you want to know). Working on my diet means eating as “cleanly” as possible, varying my choices of meals, trying new menus, incorporating (or sneaking in) more calories (the good kind naturally) into meals.

d) Stretching and relaxing through yoga and [the heavenly] massages.

e) Enjoying the Xmas and New Year festivities with family and friends. I’m planning on a few one-on-ones with some friends to catch up since I was away on most weekends this past year and have missed more than a fair share of events, meet-ups and celebrations.

Today’s Workout:

a) Easy cross training on the Precor elliptical cross trainer to give the legs a rest.

b) Sun salutation A.

Xmas Countdown: 5 Days

N.B.: Someone pointed out that it should be 6 since Xmas is on Sunday but I’m taking it to be 5 since the merriment starts on Xmas Eve.

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