Friday, May 6, 2011

Five Things Friday

1. Sorry for the missed post last week – was away from town.

2. Feel like treating myself to a nice meal this weekend or meet up with SW and HTN. Will see how this pans out.

3. Need to select photos for write up in Ronnie’s blog – what is your pick (from my FB albums)?

4. My right shin feels a lot better today; only the stair descent is a problem. Fingers crossed! Notwithstanding this, I am going to keep my appointment with Mr Soon this evening or tomorrow. It will more likely be the latter since I doubt I can skivvy at 6-6:30pm.

5. Cable cum plyometrics training this morning and finishing with leg raises.

Supersets of:

a) Freemotion dual cable lat pull down

b) Freemotion dual cable cross bend over chest press

c) Technogym cable reverse pull with iron bar

d) Nautilus Nitro hip abductor

e) Nautilus Nitro hip adductor

f) Combo of single arm DB overhead shoulder press and walking lunges

Supersets of:

g) Explosive and static push-ups on Bosu

h) TRX pull-ups (2 sets for each supersets)

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