Thursday, June 17, 2010

adiNation Training Run - 16 June 2010

I am not too sure if the recent low turnout for the runs is due to the Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Marathon (everyone doing their “secret” training elsewhere/another time) or the dying down of the adiNation hype. There were just five of us yesterday – Ronnie, Kenny, Lai, Fauzan and myself. Ronnie came earlier and was finishing when I was into my second lap – I guess the recent addition to his family is taking priority over everything else. I joined Kenny and Lai on their second lap but dropped out after one lap to head to the ladies.

Yesterday’s run was probably the most interrupted run – lap 1 to head to the ladies and lap 2 to pass the “For Sale” running vests and Adidas voucher to Ronnie. Anyway, managed to finish the remaining two laps uninterrupted – Lai paced me in the final lap and I was really glad for this because it meant I have no excuse to slow down. All in, a total of 50:30 minutes for 9.2km. Unfortunately I couldn’t start the Garmin on time since I had to swoop in in the first lap.

The timing is definitely amazing considering the strenuous strength and endurance workout earlier in the morning. In fact, I wanted to quit after the third lap but could not muster the courage to let Lai down. My gluts, quads and hamstrings were practically screaming at me from the word “start” and liquidized themselves in the final lap. My mind and legs shut down in the final lap and I am astonished at the final results.

I woke up this morning feeling like the truck ran over me – chest pectoral muscles, gluts, quads and hamstrings are beyond aching mad (sorry, I can’t find the word / phrase to describe them; heck, I can hardly feel them now!).

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