Life aka work (there’s no work-life balance coz work is your life…the rest is up to you to balance!) caught up last week and hence it’ll be FTM instead of FTF. It’ll be picture heavy too since I’m trying to stay ahead of “life”.
1. Weekend, specifically yesterday night, was spent with the fam at Canoodling / Ricetaurant for Mother’s Day and it was awesome seeing the kiddos.
Pineapple-orange juice
Puh Er tea in French Press

Winter melon soup
Claypot chicken rice
Fried squid with chilli dip
Five Root Vegetable - lotus root, lily bulb, asparagus, gingko etc
Fried cod fish
Stir fried black pepper beef with bell peppers
Ma Po Tofu
Butter Prawns
Belachan Kangkung
Sea Coconut with Longan
Red Ruby
Bubur Cha Cha (don't order this! SW says it's "yucky")
Creamy mango puree with pomelo
2. There was also something called a run yesterday morning – Run 4 Life 2012 in Universiti Putra Malaysia…where yours truly went to “Holland”. More about this in the race recap later this week. In the meantime, enjoy the sights of the event held in aid of cancer research.
3. Achtung! Achtung! I’m going to have to give up make-up in the office this week! Sorry for those of you who have to look at me; I would wear a face mask or ski mask but last I check it’s not permitted. Problem – sensitivity to eye make-up and/or mascara.
4. Major work email problem this morning so I was accessing mails through the BB – does squinting and attempting to work on BB (which has awesome font sizes of “6” on a screen as “wide” as my palm) contribute to item (3)?
5. Friday’s workout was certainly odd, like odd to the max, because Michael decided we should work on shoulders instead of back! I was momentarily stunned. Momentarily??? I was practically gawking at the fella for a full 5 minutes. Anyhow, this went on
Single sets of:
a) Smith machine overhead shoulder press
b) DB lateral raise (drop sets)
c) DB overhead shoulder press (drops sets…again)
Supersets of:
d) LF cable upper row (with iron bar)
e) DB frontal raise
Supersets of:
f) Free standing dips (close)
g) Leg raises
Then it was “Backs & Lats” yesterday – whew! Made it to the gym in time since I skipped the “…Majlis Penutupan akan bermula bila-bila masa lagi…” of the Run 4 Life. BTW, that “…bila-bila masa…” was echoed from 9 am until 9:40 am when I left and it certainly didn’t look like it was happening “…bila-bila masa lagi…”.
Single sets of:
a) LF cable upper back row (with iron bar)
b) LF cable lower back row (with iron bar)
c) Precor T-bar
d) LF cable lat pull down (close grip)
Supersets of:
e) Technogym cable criss-cross rear delt row
f) Modified TRX reverse pull-ups
Supersets of:
g) Roller abs
h) Chin-ups on TrueStretch (I volunteered for this!!! Yeah, you should have bought the lottery tickets yesterday!)
The chin-ups did nothing i.e. I was not sore yesterday nor this morning – what gives??? This has rarely happened! Yes, loony would be about the right term to describe me. Michael is equally as puzzled – he’s lucky because he’s sore from his back-and-chest workouts yesterday. Calling for drastic action to jump-start the engine and shock the body, we’ll be changing the workout this week. Today’s last hurrah involved chests and pecs:
Single sets of:
a) BB bench chest press (lots of practice required on balancing the BB – it’s just so difficult to find that exact spot of pushing it “straight upwards” and not “forward” or “backward”. Naturally Miss Left Side gave up earlier…much earlier)
b) Smith machine incline chest press (think this is the jolt I was talking about earlier)
c) Technogym cable lying down chest fly
Supersets of:
d) Modified TRX push-ups
e) Kettlebell pull-overs
f) Roller abs
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